
Often it is necessary to modify state input tensors before passing them to the reinforcement learning agent. This could be due to various reasons, e.g.:

  • Feature scaling / input normalization,
  • Data reduction,
  • Ensuring the Markov property by concatenating multiple states (e.g. in Atari)

TensorForce comes with a number of ready-to-use preprocessors, a preprocessing stack and easy ways to implement your own preprocessors.



Each preprocessor implements three methods:

  1. The constructor (__init__) for parameter initialization
  2. process(state) takes a state and returns the processed state
  3. processed_shape(original_shape) takes a shape and returns the processed shape

The preprocessing stack iteratively calls these functions of all preprocessors in the stack and returns the result.

Using one preprocessor

from tensorforce.core.preprocessing import Sequence

pp_seq = Sequence(4)  # initialize preprocessor (return sequence of last 4 states)

state = env.reset()  # reset environment
processed_state = pp_seq.process(state)  # process state

Using a preprocessing stack

You can stack multipe preprocessors:

from tensorforce.core.preprocessing import Preprocessing, Grayscale, Sequence

pp_gray = Grayscale()  # initialize grayscale preprocessor
pp_seq = Sequence(4)  # initialize sequence preprocessor

stack = Preprocessing()  # initialize preprocessing stack
stack.add(pp_gray)  # add grayscale preprocessor to stack
stack.add(pp_seq)  # add maximum preprocessor to stack

state = env.reset()  # reset environment
processed_state = stack.process(state)  # process state

Using a configuration dict

If you use configuration objects, you can build your preprocessing stack from a config:

from tensorforce.core.preprocessing import Preprocessing

preprocessing_config = [
        "type": "image_resize",
        "width": 84,
        "height": 84
    }, {
        "type": "grayscale"
    }, {
        "type": "center"
    }, {
        "type": "sequence",
        "length": 4

stack = Preprocessing.from_spec(preprocessing_config)
config.state_shape = stack.shape(config.state_shape)

The Agent class expects a preprocessing configuration parameter and then handles preprocessing automatically:

from tensorforce.agents import DQNAgent

agent = DQNAgent(config=dict(
    # ...

Ready-to-use preprocessors

These are the preprocessors that come with TensorForce:






Building your own preprocessor

All preprocessors should inherit from tensorforce.core.preprocessing.Preprocessor.

For a start, please refer to the source of the Grayscale preprocessor.