Source code for tensorforce.environments.openai_gym

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import os

import numpy as np

from tensorforce import TensorforceError
from tensorforce.environments import Environment

[docs]class OpenAIGym(Environment): """ [OpenAI Gym]( environment adapter (specification key: `gym`, `openai_gym`). May require: ```bash pip install gym pip install gym[all] ``` Args: level (string | gym.Env): Gym id or instance (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). visualize (bool): Whether to visualize interaction (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). max_episode_timesteps (false | int > 0): Whether to terminate an episode after a while, and if so, maximum number of timesteps per episode (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: Gym default). terminal_reward (float): Additional reward for early termination, if otherwise indistinguishable from termination due to maximum number of timesteps (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: Gym default). reward_threshold (float): Gym environment argument, the reward threshold before the task is considered solved (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: Gym default). tags (dict): Gym environment argument, a set of arbitrary key-value tags on this environment, including simple property=True tags (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: Gym default). visualize_directory (string): Visualization output directory (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: none). kwargs: Additional Gym environment arguments. """ @classmethod def levels(cls): import gym return list(gym.envs.registry.env_specs) @classmethod def create_level(cls, level, max_episode_timesteps, reward_threshold, tags, **kwargs): import gym # Find level if level not in gym.envs.registry.env_specs: if level + '-v0' in gym.envs.registry.env_specs: level = level + '-v0' else: for name in gym.envs.registry.env_specs: if level == name[:name.rindex('-v')]: level = name break assert level in cls.levels() # Check/update attributes requires_register = False if max_episode_timesteps is None: max_episode_timesteps = gym.envs.registry.env_specs[level].max_episode_steps if max_episode_timesteps is None: max_episode_timesteps = False elif max_episode_timesteps != gym.envs.registry.env_specs[level].max_episode_steps: if not ( (max_episode_timesteps is False) and (gym.envs.registry.env_specs[level].max_episode_steps is None) ): requires_register = True if reward_threshold is None: reward_threshold = gym.envs.registry.env_specs[level].reward_threshold elif reward_threshold != gym.envs.registry.env_specs[level].reward_threshold: requires_register = True if tags is None: tags = dict(gym.envs.registry.env_specs[level].tags) if 'wrapper_config.TimeLimit.max_episode_steps' in tags and \ max_episode_timesteps is not None: tags.pop('wrapper_config.TimeLimit.max_episode_steps') elif tags != gym.envs.registry.env_specs[level].tags: requires_register = True # Modified specification if requires_register: entry_point = gym.envs.registry.env_specs[level].entry_point _kwargs = dict(gym.envs.registry.env_specs[level]._kwargs) nondeterministic = gym.envs.registry.env_specs[level].nondeterministic if max_episode_timesteps is False: max_episode_steps = None else: max_episode_steps = max_episode_timesteps if '-v' in level and level[level.rindex('-v') + 2:].isdigit(): version = int(level[level.rindex('-v') + 2:]) level = level[:level.rindex('-v') + 2] else: version = -1 while True: version += 1 if level + str(version) not in gym.envs.registry.env_specs: level = level + str(version) break gym.register( id=level, entry_point=entry_point, reward_threshold=reward_threshold, kwargs=_kwargs, nondeterministic=nondeterministic, tags=tags, max_episode_steps=max_episode_steps ) assert level in cls.levels() return gym.make(id=level, **kwargs), max_episode_timesteps def __init__( self, level, visualize=False, max_episode_timesteps=None, terminal_reward=0.0, reward_threshold=None, tags=None, visualize_directory=None, **kwargs ): import gym import gym.wrappers self.level = level self.visualize = visualize self.terminal_reward = terminal_reward if isinstance(level, gym.Env): self.environment = self.level self.level = self.level.__class__.__name__ self._max_episode_timesteps = max_episode_timesteps else: self.environment, self._max_episode_timesteps = self.__class__.create_level( level=self.level, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps, reward_threshold=reward_threshold, tags=tags, **kwargs ) if visualize_directory is not None: self.environment = gym.wrappers.Monitor( env=self.environment, directory=visualize_directory ) self.states_spec = OpenAIGym.specs_from_gym_space( space=self.environment.observation_space, ignore_value_bounds=True # TODO: not ignore? ) self.actions_spec = OpenAIGym.specs_from_gym_space( space=self.environment.action_space, ignore_value_bounds=False ) def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + '({})'.format(self.level) def states(self): return self.states_spec def actions(self): return self.actions_spec def max_episode_timesteps(self): if self._max_episode_timesteps is False: return super().max_episode_timesteps() else: return self._max_episode_timesteps def close(self): self.environment.close() self.environment = None def reset(self): import gym.wrappers if isinstance(self.environment, gym.wrappers.Monitor): self.environment.stats_recorder.done = True states = self.environment.reset() self.timestep = 0 return OpenAIGym.flatten_state(state=states) def execute(self, actions): if self.visualize: self.environment.render() actions = OpenAIGym.unflatten_action(action=actions) states, reward, terminal, _ = self.environment.step(actions) self.timestep += 1 if self.timestep == self._max_episode_timesteps: assert terminal terminal = 2 elif terminal: assert self._max_episode_timesteps is False or \ self.timestep < self._max_episode_timesteps reward += self.terminal_reward terminal = 1 else: terminal = 0 return OpenAIGym.flatten_state(state=states), terminal, reward @staticmethod def specs_from_gym_space(space, ignore_value_bounds): import gym if isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Discrete): return dict(type='int', shape=(), num_values=space.n) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.MultiBinary): return dict(type='bool', shape=space.n) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete): num_discrete_space = len(space.nvec) if (space.nvec == space.nvec[0]).all(): return dict(type='int', shape=num_discrete_space, num_values=space.nvec[0]) else: specs = dict() for n in range(num_discrete_space): specs['gymmdc{}'.format(n)] = dict( type='int', shape=(), num_values=space.nvec[n] ) return specs elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Box): if ignore_value_bounds: return dict(type='float', shape=space.shape) elif (space.low == space.low[0]).all() and (space.high == space.high[0]).all(): return dict( type='float', shape=space.shape, min_value=space.low[0], max_value=space.high[0] ) else: specs = dict() low = space.low.flatten() high = space.high.flatten() for n in range(low.shape[0]): specs['gymbox{}'.format(n)] = dict( type='float', shape=(), min_value=low[n], max_value=high[n] ) return specs elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Tuple): specs = dict() n = 0 for n, space in enumerate(space.spaces): spec = OpenAIGym.specs_from_gym_space( space=space, ignore_value_bounds=ignore_value_bounds ) if 'type' in spec: specs['gymtpl{}'.format(n)] = spec else: for name, spec in spec.items(): specs['gymtpl{}-{}'.format(n, name)] = spec return specs elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Dict): specs = dict() for space_name, space in space.spaces.items(): spec = OpenAIGym.specs_from_gym_space( space=space, ignore_value_bounds=ignore_value_bounds ) if 'type' in spec: specs[space_name] = spec else: for name, spec in spec.items(): specs['{}-{}'.format(space_name, name)] = spec return specs else: raise TensorforceError('Unknown Gym space.') @staticmethod def flatten_state(state): if isinstance(state, tuple): states = dict() for n, state in enumerate(state): state = OpenAIGym.flatten_state(state=state) if isinstance(state, dict): for name, state in state.items(): states['gymtpl{}-{}'.format(n, name)] = state else: states['gymtpl{}'.format(n)] = state return states elif isinstance(state, dict): states = dict() for state_name, state in state.items(): state = OpenAIGym.flatten_state(state=state) if isinstance(state, dict): for name, state in state.items(): states['{}-{}'.format(state_name, name)] = state else: states[state_name] = state return states elif np.isinf(state).any() or np.isnan(state).any(): raise TensorforceError("State contains inf or nan.") else: return state @staticmethod def unflatten_action(action): if not isinstance(action, dict): if np.isinf(action).any() or np.isnan(action).any(): raise TensorforceError("Action contains inf or nan.") return action elif all(name.startswith('gymmdc') for name in action) or \ all(name.startswith('gymbox') for name in action) or \ all(name.startswith('gymtpl') for name in action): space_type = next(iter(action))[:6] actions = list() n = 0 while True: if any(name.startswith(space_type + str(n) + '-') for name in action): inner_action = { name[name.index('-') + 1:] for name, inner_action in action.items() if name.startswith(space_type + str(n)) } actions.append(OpenAIGym.unflatten_action(action=inner_action)) elif any(name == space_type + str(n) for name in action): actions.append(OpenAIGym.unflatten_action(action=action[space_type + str(n)])) else: break n += 1 return tuple(actions) else: actions = dict() for name, action in action.items(): if '-' in name: name, inner_name = name.split('-', 1) if name not in actions: actions[name] = dict() actions[name][inner_name] = action else: actions[name] = action for name, action in actions.items(): if isinstance(action, dict): actions[name] = OpenAIGym.unflatten_action(action=action) return actions