Source code for tensorforce.agents.agent

# Copyright 2018 Tensorforce Team. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ==============================================================================

from collections import OrderedDict
import importlib
import json
import os
import random
import time

import numpy as np

from tensorforce import util, TensorforceError
import tensorforce.agents

[docs]class Agent(object): """ Tensorforce agent interface. """
[docs] @staticmethod def create(agent='tensorforce', environment=None, **kwargs): """ Creates an agent from a specification. Args: agent (specification | Agent object): JSON file, specification key, configuration dictionary, library module, or `Agent` object (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: Policy agent). environment (Environment object): Environment which the agent is supposed to be trained on, environment-related arguments like state/action space specifications and maximum episode length will be extract if given (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>recommended</b></span>). kwargs: Additional arguments. """ if isinstance(agent, Agent): if environment is not None: assert util.deep_equal(xs=agent.spec['states'], ys=environment.states()) assert util.deep_equal(xs=agent.spec['actions'], ys=environment.actions()) assert environment.max_episode_timesteps() is None or \ agent.spec['max_episode_timesteps'] >= environment.max_episode_timesteps() for key, value in kwargs.items(): assert agent.spec[key] == value if agent.is_initialized: agent.reset() else: agent.initialize() return agent elif isinstance(agent, dict): # Dictionary specification util.deep_disjoint_update(target=kwargs, source=agent) agent = kwargs.pop('agent', kwargs.pop('type', 'tensorforce')) return Agent.create(agent=agent, environment=environment, **kwargs) elif isinstance(agent, str): if os.path.isfile(agent): # JSON file specification with open(agent, 'r') as fp: agent = json.load(fp=fp) return Agent.create(agent=agent, environment=environment, **kwargs) elif '.' in agent: # Library specification library_name, module_name = agent.rsplit('.', 1) library = importlib.import_module(name=library_name) agent = getattr(library, module_name) if environment is not None: if 'states' in kwargs: assert util.deep_equal(xs=kwargs['states'], ys=environment.states()) else: kwargs['states'] = environment.states() if 'actions' in kwargs: assert util.deep_equal(xs=kwargs['actions'], ys=environment.actions()) else: kwargs['actions'] = environment.actions() if environment.max_episode_timesteps() is None: pass elif 'max_episode_timesteps' in kwargs: assert kwargs['max_episode_timesteps'] >= environment.max_episode_timesteps() else: kwargs['max_episode_timesteps'] = environment.max_episode_timesteps() agent = agent(**kwargs) assert isinstance(agent, Agent) return Agent.create(agent=agent, environment=environment) else: # Keyword specification if environment is not None: if 'states' in kwargs: assert util.deep_equal(xs=kwargs['states'], ys=environment.states()) else: kwargs['states'] = environment.states() if 'actions' in kwargs: assert util.deep_equal(xs=kwargs['actions'], ys=environment.actions()) else: kwargs['actions'] = environment.actions() if environment.max_episode_timesteps() is None: pass elif 'max_episode_timesteps' in kwargs: assert kwargs['max_episode_timesteps'] >= environment.max_episode_timesteps() else: kwargs['max_episode_timesteps'] = environment.max_episode_timesteps() agent = tensorforce.agents.agents[agent](**kwargs) assert isinstance(agent, Agent) return Agent.create(agent=agent, environment=environment) else: assert False
[docs] @staticmethod def load(directory, filename=None, environment=None, **kwargs): """ Restores an agent from a specification directory/file. Args: directory (str): Agent directory (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). filename (str): Agent filename (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: "agent"). environment (Environment object): Environment which the agent is supposed to be trained on, environment-related arguments like state/action space specifications and maximum episode length will be extract if given (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>recommended</b></span>). kwargs: Additional arguments. """ if filename is None: agent = os.path.join(directory, 'agent.json') else: agent = os.path.join(directory, filename + '.json') assert os.path.isfile(agent) with open(agent, 'r') as fp: agent = json.load(fp=fp) # Overwrite values if environment is not None and environment.max_episode_timesteps() is not None: if 'max_episode_timesteps' in kwargs: assert kwargs['max_episode_timesteps'] >= environment.max_episode_timesteps() agent['max_episode_timesteps'] = kwargs['max_episode_timesteps'] else: agent['max_episode_timesteps'] = environment.max_episode_timesteps() if 'parallel_interactions' in kwargs: agent['parallel_interactions'] = kwargs['parallel_interactions'] agent = Agent.create(agent=agent, environment=environment, **kwargs) agent.restore(directory=directory, filename=filename) return agent
def __init__( # Environment self, states, actions, max_episode_timesteps=None, # TensorFlow etc parallel_interactions=1, buffer_observe=True, seed=None, recorder=None ): assert hasattr(self, 'spec') if seed is not None: assert isinstance(seed, int) random.seed(a=seed) np.random.seed(seed=seed) # States/actions specification self.states_spec = util.valid_values_spec( values_spec=states, value_type='state', return_normalized=True ) self.actions_spec = util.valid_values_spec( values_spec=actions, value_type='action', return_normalized=True ) self.max_episode_timesteps = max_episode_timesteps # Check for name overlap for name in self.states_spec: if name in self.actions_spec: TensorforceError.collision( name='name', value=name, group1='states', group2='actions' ) # Parallel episodes if isinstance(parallel_interactions, int): if parallel_interactions <= 0: raise TensorforceError.value( name='parallel_interactions', value=parallel_interactions ) self.parallel_interactions = parallel_interactions else: raise TensorforceError.type(name='parallel_interactions', value=parallel_interactions) # Buffer observe if isinstance(buffer_observe, bool): if not buffer_observe and self.parallel_interactions > 1: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if self.max_episode_timesteps is None and self.parallel_interactions > 1: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if not buffer_observe: self.buffer_observe = 1 elif self.max_episode_timesteps is None: self.buffer_observe = 100 else: self.buffer_observe = self.max_episode_timesteps elif isinstance(buffer_observe, int): if buffer_observe <= 0: raise TensorforceError.value(name='buffer_observe', value=buffer_observe) if self.parallel_interactions > 1: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if self.max_episode_timesteps is None: self.buffer_observe = buffer_observe else: self.buffer_observe = min(buffer_observe, self.max_episode_timesteps) else: raise TensorforceError.type(name='buffer_observe', value=buffer_observe) # Recorder if recorder is None: pass elif not all(key in ('directory', 'frequency', 'max-traces', 'start') for key in recorder): raise TensorforceError.value(name='recorder', value=list(recorder)) self.recorder_spec = recorder if recorder is None else dict(recorder) self.is_initialized = False def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initializes the agent. """ if self.is_initialized: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() self.is_initialized = True # Parallel terminal/reward buffers self.terminal_buffers = np.ndarray( shape=(self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe), dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='long') ) self.reward_buffers = np.ndarray( shape=(self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe), dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='float') ) # Recorder buffers if required if self.recorder_spec is not None: self.states_buffers = OrderedDict() self.actions_buffers = OrderedDict() for name, spec in self.states_spec.items(): shape = (self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe) + spec['shape'] self.states_buffers[name] = np.ndarray( shape=shape, dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype=spec['type']) ) for name, spec in self.actions_spec.items(): shape = (self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe) + spec['shape'] self.actions_buffers[name] = np.ndarray( shape=shape, dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype=spec['type']) ) if spec['type'] == 'int': shape = (self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe) + spec['shape'] + \ (spec['num_values'],) self.states_buffers[name + '_mask'] = np.ndarray( shape=shape, dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='bool') ) self.num_episodes = 0 self.record_states = OrderedDict(((name, list()) for name in self.states_spec)) self.record_actions = OrderedDict(((name, list()) for name in self.actions_spec)) for name, spec in self.actions_spec.items(): if spec['type'] == 'int': self.record_states[name + '_mask'] = list() self.record_terminal = list() self.record_reward = list() # Parallel buffer indices self.buffer_indices = np.zeros( shape=(self.parallel_interactions,), dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='int') ) self.timesteps = 0 self.episodes = 0 self.updates = 0 # Setup Model if not hasattr(self, 'model'): raise TensorforceError.missing(name='Agent', value='model') self.model.initialize() if self.model.saver_directory is not None: file = os.path.join(self.model.saver_directory, self.model.saver_filename + '.json') with open(file, 'w') as fp: json.dump(obj=self.spec, fp=fp) self.reset()
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the agent. """ self.model.close()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the agent to start a new episode. """ self.buffer_indices = np.zeros( shape=(self.parallel_interactions,), dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='int') ) self.timesteps, self.episodes, self.updates = self.model.reset()
[docs] def act( self, states, parallel=0, deterministic=False, independent=False, evaluation=False, query=None, **kwargs ): """ Returns action(s) for the given state(s), needs to be followed by `observe(...)` unless `independent` is true. Args: states (dict[state]): Dictionary containing state(s) to be acted on (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). parallel (int): Parallel execution index (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: 0). deterministic (bool): Whether to apply exploration and sampling (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). independent (bool): Whether action is not remembered, and this call is thus not followed by observe (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). evaluation (bool): Whether the agent is currently evaluated, implies and overwrites deterministic and independent (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). query (list[str]): Names of tensors to retrieve (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: none). kwargs: Additional input values, for instance, for dynamic hyperparameters. Returns: (dict[action], plus optional list[str]): Dictionary containing action(s), plus queried tensor values if requested. """ assert util.reduce_all(predicate=util.not_nan_inf, xs=states) # self.current_internals = self.next_internals if evaluation: if deterministic or independent: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() deterministic = independent = True # Auxiliaries auxiliaries = OrderedDict() if isinstance(states, dict): states = dict(states) for name, spec in self.actions_spec.items(): if spec['type'] == 'int' and name + '_mask' in states: auxiliaries[name + '_mask'] = states.pop(name + '_mask') # Normalize states dictionary states = util.normalize_values( value_type='state', values=states, values_spec=self.states_spec ) # Batch states states = util.fmap(function=(lambda x: np.asarray([x])), xs=states, depth=1) auxiliaries = util.fmap(function=(lambda x: np.asarray([x])), xs=auxiliaries, depth=1) # Model.act() if query is None: actions, self.timesteps = self.model.act( states=states, auxiliaries=auxiliaries, parallel=[parallel], deterministic=deterministic, independent=independent, **kwargs ) else: actions, self.timesteps, queried = self.model.act( states=states, auxiliaries=auxiliaries, parallel=[parallel], deterministic=deterministic, independent=independent, query=query, **kwargs ) if self.recorder_spec is not None and not independent and \ self.episodes >= self.recorder_spec.get('start', 0): index = self.buffer_indices[parallel] for name in self.states_spec: self.states_buffers[name][parallel, index] = states[name][0] for name, spec in self.actions_spec.items(): self.actions_buffers[name][parallel, index] = actions[name][0] if spec['type'] == 'int': name = name + '_mask' if name in auxiliaries: self.states_buffers[name][parallel, index] = auxiliaries[name][0] else: shape = (1,) + spec['shape'] + (spec['num_values'],) self.states_buffers[name][parallel, index] = np.full( shape=shape, fill_value=True, dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='bool') ) # Unbatch actions actions = util.fmap(function=(lambda x: x[0]), xs=actions, depth=1) # Reverse normalized actions dictionary actions = util.unpack_values( value_type='action', values=actions, values_spec=self.actions_spec ) # if independent, return processed state as well? if query is None: return actions else: return actions, queried
[docs] def observe(self, reward, terminal=False, parallel=0, query=None, **kwargs): """ Observes reward and whether a terminal state is reached, needs to be preceded by `act(...)`. Args: reward (float): Reward (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). terminal (bool | 0 | 1 | 2): Whether a terminal state is reached or 2 if the episode was aborted (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). parallel (int): Parallel execution index (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: 0). query (list[str]): Names of tensors to retrieve (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: none). kwargs: Additional input values, for instance, for dynamic hyperparameters. Returns: (bool, optional list[str]): Whether an update was performed, plus queried tensor values if requested. """ assert util.reduce_all(predicate=util.not_nan_inf, xs=reward) if query is not None and self.parallel_interactions > 1: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if isinstance(terminal, bool): terminal = int(terminal) # Update terminal/reward buffer index = self.buffer_indices[parallel] self.terminal_buffers[parallel, index] = terminal self.reward_buffers[parallel, index] = reward index += 1 if self.max_episode_timesteps is not None and index > self.max_episode_timesteps: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if terminal > 0 or index == self.buffer_observe or query is not None: terminal = self.terminal_buffers[parallel, :index] reward = self.reward_buffers[parallel, :index] if self.recorder_spec is not None and \ self.episodes >= self.recorder_spec.get('start', 0): for name in self.states_spec: self.record_states[name].append( np.array(self.states_buffers[name][parallel, :index]) ) for name, spec in self.actions_spec.items(): self.record_actions[name].append( np.array(self.actions_buffers[name][parallel, :index]) ) if spec['type'] == 'int': self.record_states[name + '_mask'].append( np.array(self.states_buffers[name + '_mask'][parallel, :index]) ) self.record_terminal.append(np.array(terminal)) self.record_reward.append(np.array(reward)) if terminal[-1] > 0: self.num_episodes += 1 if self.num_episodes == self.recorder_spec.get('frequency', 1): directory = self.recorder_spec['directory'] if os.path.isdir(directory): files = sorted( f for f in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, f)) and f.startswith('trace-') ) else: os.makedirs(directory) files = list() max_traces = self.recorder_spec.get('max-traces') if max_traces is not None and len(files) > max_traces - 1: for filename in files[:-max_traces + 1]: filename = os.path.join(directory, filename) os.remove(filename) filename = 'trace-{}-{}.npz'.format( self.episodes, time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') ) filename = os.path.join(directory, filename) self.record_states = util.fmap( function=np.concatenate, xs=self.record_states, depth=1 ) self.record_actions = util.fmap( function=np.concatenate, xs=self.record_actions, depth=1 ) self.record_terminal = np.concatenate(self.record_terminal) self.record_reward = np.concatenate(self.record_reward) np.savez_compressed( filename, **self.record_states, **self.record_actions, terminal=self.record_terminal, reward=self.record_reward ) self.record_states = util.fmap( function=(lambda x: list()), xs=self.record_states, depth=1 ) self.record_actions = util.fmap( function=(lambda x: list()), xs=self.record_actions, depth=1 ) self.record_terminal = list() self.record_reward = list() self.num_episodes = 0 # Model.observe() if query is None: updated, self.episodes, self.updates = self.model.observe( terminal=terminal, reward=reward, parallel=[parallel], **kwargs ) else: updated, self.episodes, self.updates, queried = self.model.observe( terminal=terminal, reward=reward, parallel=[parallel], query=query, **kwargs ) # Reset buffer index self.buffer_indices[parallel] = 0 else: # Increment buffer index self.buffer_indices[parallel] = index updated = False if query is None: return updated else: return updated, queried
[docs] def save(self, directory=None, filename=None, append_timestep=True): """ Saves the current state of the agent. Args: directory (str): Agent directory (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: directory specified for TensorFlow saver). filename (str): Agent filename (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: filename specified for TensorFlow saver, or "agent"). append_timestep: Whether to append the current timestep to the checkpoint file (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: true). Returns: str: Checkpoint path. """ # TODO: Messes with required parallel disentangling, better to remove unfinished episodes # from memory, but currently entire episode buffered anyway... # # Empty buffers before saving # for parallel in range(self.parallel_interactions): # index = self.buffer_indices[parallel] # if index > 0: # # if self.parallel_interactions > 1: # # raise TensorforceError.unexpected() # self.episode = self.model.observe( # terminal=self.terminal_buffers[parallel, :index], # reward=self.reward_buffers[parallel, :index], parallel=parallel # ) # self.buffer_indices[parallel] = 0 result = directory=directory, filename=filename, append_timestep=append_timestep ) if directory is None: directory = self.model.saver_directory if filename is None: filename = 'agent' file = os.path.join(directory, filename + '.json') with open(file, 'w') as fp: json.dump(obj=self.spec, fp=fp) return result
[docs] def restore(self, directory=None, filename=None): """ Restores the agent. Args: directory (str): Agent directory (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: directory specified for TensorFlow saver). filename (str): Agent filename (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: latest checkpoint in directory). """ if not hasattr(self, 'model'): raise TensorforceError.missing(name='Agent', value='model') if not self.is_initialized: self.initialize() self.timesteps, self.episodes, self.updates = self.model.restore( directory=directory, filename=filename )
[docs] def get_output_tensors(self, function): """ Returns the names of output tensors for the given function. Args: function (str): Function name (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). Returns: list[str]: Names of output tensors. """ if function in self.model.output_tensors: return self.model.output_tensors[function] else: raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
[docs] def get_query_tensors(self, function): """ Returns the names of queryable tensors for the given function. Args: function (str): Function name (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). Returns: list[str]: Names of queryable tensors. """ if function in self.model.query_tensors: return self.model.query_tensors[function] else: raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
[docs] def get_available_summaries(self): """ Returns the summary labels provided by the agent. Returns: list[str]: Available summary labels. """ return self.model.get_available_summaries()
def should_stop(self): return self.model.monitored_session.should_stop()