Source code for tensorforce.environments.environment

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from datetime import datetime
import importlib
import json
import os
import sys
from threading import Thread
import time
from traceback import format_tb

from tensorforce import TensorforceError, util
import tensorforce.environments

class Environment(object):
    Tensorforce environment interface.

[docs] @staticmethod def create( environment=None, max_episode_timesteps=None, remote=None, blocking=False, host=None, port=None, **kwargs ): """ Creates an environment from a specification. In case of "socket-server" remote mode, runs environment in server communication loop until closed. Args: environment (specification | Environment class/object): JSON file, specification key, configuration dictionary, library module, `Environment` class/object, or gym.Env (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b>, invalid for "socket-client" remote mode</span>). max_episode_timesteps (int > 0): Maximum number of timesteps per episode, overwrites the environment default if defined (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: environment default, invalid for "socket-client" remote mode). remote ("multiprocessing" | "socket-client" | "socket-server"): Communication mode for remote environment execution of parallelized environment execution, "socket-client" mode requires a corresponding "socket-server" running, and "socket-server" mode runs environment in server communication loop until closed (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: local execution). blocking (bool): Whether remote environment calls should be blocking (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: not blocking, invalid unless "multiprocessing" or "socket-client" remote mode). host (str): Socket server hostname or IP address (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span> only for "socket-client" remote mode). port (int): Socket server port (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span> only for "socket-client/server" remote mode). kwargs: Additional arguments. """ if remote not in ('multiprocessing', 'socket-client'): if blocking: raise TensorforceError.invalid( name='Environment.create', argument='blocking', condition='no multiprocessing/socket-client instance' ) if remote not in ('socket-client', 'socket-server'): if host is not None: raise TensorforceError.invalid( name='Environment.create', argument='host', condition='no socket instance' ) elif port is not None: raise TensorforceError.invalid( name='Environment.create', argument='port', condition='no socket instance' ) if remote == 'multiprocessing': from tensorforce.environments import MultiprocessingEnvironment environment = MultiprocessingEnvironment( blocking=blocking, environment=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps, **kwargs ) return environment elif remote == 'socket-client': if environment is not None: raise TensorforceError.invalid( name='Environment.create', argument='environment', condition='socket-client instance' ) elif max_episode_timesteps is not None: raise TensorforceError.invalid( name='Environment.create', argument='max_episode_timesteps', condition='socket-client instance' ) elif len(kwargs) > 0: raise TensorforceError.invalid( name='Environment.create', argument='kwargs', condition='socket-client instance' ) from tensorforce.environments import SocketEnvironment environment = SocketEnvironment(host=host, port=port, blocking=blocking) return environment elif remote == 'socket-server': from tensorforce.environments import SocketEnvironment SocketEnvironment.remote( port=port, environment=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps, **kwargs ) elif isinstance(environment, (EnvironmentWrapper, RemoteEnvironment)): if max_episode_timesteps is not None: raise TensorforceError.invalid( name='Environment.create', argument='max_episode_timesteps', condition='EnvironmentWrapper instance' ) if len(kwargs) > 0: raise TensorforceError.invalid( name='Environment.create', argument='kwargs', condition='EnvironmentWrapper instance' ) return environment elif isinstance(environment, type) and \ issubclass(environment, (EnvironmentWrapper, RemoteEnvironment)): raise TensorforceError.type( name='Environment.create', argument='environment', dtype=type(environment) ) elif isinstance(environment, Environment): if max_episode_timesteps is not None: environment = EnvironmentWrapper( environment=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps ) return environment elif isinstance(environment, type) and issubclass(environment, Environment): environment = environment(**kwargs) assert isinstance(environment, Environment) return Environment.create( environment=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps ) elif isinstance(environment, dict): # Dictionary specification util.deep_disjoint_update(target=kwargs, source=environment) environment = kwargs.pop('environment', kwargs.pop('type', 'default')) assert environment is not None if max_episode_timesteps is None: max_episode_timesteps = kwargs.pop('max_episode_timesteps', None) return Environment.create( environment=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps, **kwargs ) elif isinstance(environment, str): if os.path.isfile(environment): # JSON file specification with open(environment, 'r') as fp: environment = json.load(fp=fp) util.deep_disjoint_update(target=kwargs, source=environment) environment = kwargs.pop('environment', kwargs.pop('type', 'default')) assert environment is not None if max_episode_timesteps is None: max_episode_timesteps = kwargs.pop('max_episode_timesteps', None) return Environment.create( environment=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps, **kwargs ) elif '.' in environment: # Library specification library_name, module_name = environment.rsplit('.', 1) library = importlib.import_module(name=library_name) environment = getattr(library, module_name) return Environment.create( environment=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps, **kwargs ) elif environment in tensorforce.environments.environments: # Keyword specification environment = tensorforce.environments.environments[environment] return Environment.create( environment=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps, **kwargs ) else: # Default: OpenAI Gym return Environment.create( environment='gym', level=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps, **kwargs ) else: # Default: OpenAI Gym from gym import Env if isinstance(environment, Env) or \ (isinstance(environment, type) and issubclass(environment, Env)): return Environment.create( environment='gym', level=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps, **kwargs ) else: raise TensorforceError.type( name='Environment.create', argument='environment', dtype=type(environment) )
def __init__(self): # first two arguments, if applicable: level, visualize=False self._max_episode_timesteps = None self._expect_receive = None self._actions = None def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def states(self): """ Returns the state space specification. Returns: specification: Arbitrarily nested dictionary of state descriptions with the following attributes: <ul> <li><b>type</b> (<i>"bool" | "int" | "float"</i>) &ndash; state data type (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: "float").</li> <li><b>shape</b> (<i>int | iter[int]</i>) &ndash; state shape (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>).</li> <li><b>num_states</b> (<i>int > 0</i>) &ndash; number of discrete state values (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span> for type "int").</li> <li><b>min_value/max_value</b> (<i>float</i>) &ndash; minimum/maximum state value (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>optional</b></span> for type "float").</li> </ul> """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def actions(self): """ Returns the action space specification. Returns: specification: Arbitrarily nested dictionary of action descriptions with the following attributes: <ul> <li><b>type</b> (<i>"bool" | "int" | "float"</i>) &ndash; action data type (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>).</li> <li><b>shape</b> (<i>int > 0 | iter[int > 0]</i>) &ndash; action shape (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: scalar).</li> <li><b>num_actions</b> (<i>int > 0</i>) &ndash; number of discrete action values (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span> for type "int").</li> <li><b>min_value/max_value</b> (<i>float</i>) &ndash; minimum/maximum action value (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>optional</b></span> for type "float").</li> </ul> """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def max_episode_timesteps(self): """ Returns the maximum number of timesteps per episode. Returns: int: Maximum number of timesteps per episode. """ return self._max_episode_timesteps
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the environment. """ pass
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the environment to start a new episode. Returns: dict[state]: Dictionary containing initial state(s) and auxiliary information. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def execute(self, actions): """ Executes the given action(s) and advances the environment by one step. Args: actions (dict[action]): Dictionary containing action(s) to be executed (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). Returns: dict[state], bool | 0 | 1 | 2, float: Dictionary containing next state(s), whether a terminal state is reached or 2 if the episode was aborted, and observed reward. """ raise NotImplementedError
def start_reset(self): if self._expect_receive is not None: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() self._expect_receive = 'reset' def start_execute(self, actions): if self._expect_receive is not None: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() self._expect_receive = 'execute' assert self._actions is None self._actions = actions def receive_execute(self): if self._expect_receive == 'reset': self._expect_receive = None return self.reset(), -1, None elif self._expect_receive == 'execute': self._expect_receive = None assert self._actions is not None states, terminal, reward = self.execute(actions=self._actions) self._actions = None return states, int(terminal), reward else: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() class EnvironmentWrapper(Environment): def __init__(self, environment, max_episode_timesteps): super().__init__() if isinstance(environment, EnvironmentWrapper): raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if environment.max_episode_timesteps() is not None and \ environment.max_episode_timesteps() < max_episode_timesteps: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() self.environment = environment self.environment._max_episode_timesteps = max_episode_timesteps self._max_episode_timesteps = max_episode_timesteps def __str__(self): return str(self.environment) def states(self): return self.environment.states() def actions(self): return self.environment.actions() def close(self): return self.environment.close() def reset(self): self.timestep = 0 return self.environment.reset() def execute(self, actions): assert self.timestep < self._max_episode_timesteps states, terminal, reward = self.environment.execute(actions=actions) terminal = int(terminal) self.timestep += 1 if terminal == 0 and self.timestep >= self._max_episode_timesteps: terminal = 2 return states, terminal, reward class RemoteEnvironment(Environment): @classmethod def proxy_send(cls, connection, function, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def proxy_receive(cls, connection): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def proxy_close(cls, connection): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def remote_send(cls, connection, success, result): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def remote_receive(cls, connection): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def remote_close(cls, connection): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def remote(cls, connection, environment, max_episode_timesteps=None, **kwargs): try: environment = Environment.create( environment=environment, max_episode_timesteps=max_episode_timesteps, **kwargs ) while True: function, kwargs = cls.remote_receive(connection=connection) if function in ('reset', 'execute'): environment_start = time.time() result = getattr(environment, function)(**kwargs) if function in ('reset', 'execute'): seconds = time.time() - environment_start if function == 'reset': result = (result, seconds) else: result += (seconds,) cls.remote_send(connection=connection, success=True, result=result) if function == 'close': break except BaseException: try: environment.close() finally: etype, value, traceback = sys.exc_info() cls.remote_send( connection=connection, success=False, result=(str(etype), str(value), format_tb(traceback)) ) finally: cls.remote_close(connection=connection) def __init__(self, connection, blocking=False): super().__init__() self.connection = connection self.blocking = blocking self.observation = None self.thread = None def send(self, function, **kwargs): if self._expect_receive is not None: assert function != 'close' self.close() raise TensorforceError.unexpected() self._expect_receive = function try: self.__class__.proxy_send(connection=self.connection, function=function, **kwargs) except BaseException: self.__class__.proxy_close(connection=self.connection) raise def receive(self, function): if self._expect_receive != function: assert function != 'close' self.close() raise TensorforceError.unexpected() self._expect_receive = None try: success, result = self.__class__.proxy_receive(connection=self.connection) except BaseException: self.__class__.proxy_close(connection=self.connection) raise if success: return result else: self.__class__.proxy_close(connection=self.connection) etype, value, traceback = result raise TensorforceError(message='{}: {}'.format(etype, value)).with_traceback(traceback) def __str__(self): self.send(function='__str__') return self.receive(function='__str__') def states(self): self.send(function='states') return self.receive(function='states') def actions(self): self.send(function='actions') return self.receive(function='actions') def max_episode_timesteps(self): self.send(function='max_episode_timesteps') return self.receive(function='max_episode_timesteps') def close(self): if self.thread is not None: self.thread.join() if self._expect_receive is not None: self.receive(function=self._expect_receive) self.send(function='close') self.receive(function='close') self.__class__.proxy_close(connection=self.connection) self.connection = None self.observation = None self.thread = None def reset(self): self.episode_seconds = 0.0 self.send(function='reset') states, seconds = self.receive(function='reset') self.episode_seconds += seconds return states def execute(self, actions): self.send(function='execute', actions=actions) states, terminal, reward, seconds = self.receive(function='execute') self.episode_seconds += seconds return states, int(terminal), reward def start_reset(self): self.episode_seconds = 0.0 if self.blocking: self.send(function='reset') else: if self.thread is not None: # TODO: not expected self.thread.join() self.observation = None self.thread = Thread(target=self.finish_reset) self.thread.start() def finish_reset(self): assert self.thread is not None and self.observation is None self.observation = (self.reset(), -1, None) self.thread = None def start_execute(self, actions): if self.blocking: self.send(function='execute', actions=actions) else: assert self.thread is None and self.observation is None self.thread = Thread(target=self.finish_execute, kwargs=dict(actions=actions)) self.thread.start() def finish_execute(self, actions): assert self.thread is not None and self.observation is None self.observation = self.execute(actions=actions) self.thread = None def receive_execute(self): if self.blocking: if self._expect_receive == 'reset': return self.receive(function='reset'), -1, None else: states, terminal, reward = self.receive(function='execute') return states, int(terminal), reward else: if self.thread is not None: # assert self.observation is None return None else: assert self.observation is not None observation = self.observation self.observation = None return observation