Source code for tensorforce.core.layers.preprocessing

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import tensorflow as tf

from tensorforce import util
from tensorforce.core import parameter_modules
from tensorforce.core.layers import Layer

class PreprocessingLayer(Layer):

    def tf_reset(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

[docs]class Clipping(Layer): """ Clipping layer (specification key: `clipping`). Args: name (string): Layer name (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: internally chosen). upper (parameter, float): Upper clipping value (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). lower (parameter, float): Lower clipping value (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: negative upper value). input_spec (specification): Input tensor specification (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>internal use</b></span>). summary_labels ('all' | iter[string]): Labels of summaries to record (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: inherit value of parent module). """ def __init__(self, name, upper, lower=None, input_spec=None, summary_labels=None): super().__init__(name=name, input_spec=input_spec, summary_labels=summary_labels) if lower is None: self.lower = None self.upper = self.add_module( name='upper', module=lower, modules=parameter_modules, dtype='float', min_value=0.0 ) else: self.lower = self.add_module( name='lower', module=lower, modules=parameter_modules, dtype='float' ) self.upper = self.add_module( name='upper', module=upper, modules=parameter_modules, dtype='float' ) def default_input_spec(self): return dict(type='float', shape=None) def tf_apply(self, x): upper = self.upper.value() if self.lower is None: lower = -upper else: lower = self.lower.value() assertion = tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal( x=upper, y=lower, message="Incompatible lower and upper clipping bound." ) with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(assertion,)): return tf.clip_by_value(t=x, clip_value_min=lower, clip_value_max=upper)
[docs]class Deltafier(PreprocessingLayer): """ Deltafier layer computing the difference between the current and the previous input; can only be used as preprocessing layer (specification key: `deltafier`). Args: name (string): Layer name (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: internally chosen). concatenate (False | int >= 0): Whether to concatenate instead of replace deltas with input, and if so, concatenation axis (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). input_spec (specification): Input tensor specification (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>internal use</b></span>). summary_labels ('all' | iter[string]): Labels of summaries to record (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: inherit value of parent module). """ def __init__(self, name, concatenate=False, input_spec=None, summary_labels=None): self.concatenate = concatenate super().__init__(name=name, input_spec=input_spec, summary_labels=summary_labels) @classmethod def output_spec(cls, concatenate=False, input_spec=None, **kwargs): input_spec = super().output_spec(input_spec=input_spec) if concatenate is not False: input_spec['shape'] = tuple( 2 * dims if axis == concatenate else dims for axis, dims in enumerate(input_spec['shape']) ) return input_spec def default_input_spec(self): return dict(type='float', shape=None) def get_output_spec(self, input_spec): if self.concatenate is not False: input_spec['shape'] = tuple( 2 * dims if axis == self.concatenate else dims for axis, dims in enumerate(input_spec['shape']) ) return input_spec def tf_initialize(self): super().tf_initialize() self.has_previous = self.add_variable( name='has-previous', dtype='bool', shape=(), is_trainable=False, initializer='zeros' ) self.previous = self.add_variable( name='previous', dtype='float', shape=((1,) + self.input_spec['shape']), is_trainable=False, initializer='zeros' ) def tf_reset(self): assignment = self.has_previous.assign( value=tf.constant(value=False, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='bool')), read_value=False ) return assignment def tf_apply(self, x): assertion = tf.debugging.assert_equal( x=tf.shape(input=x)[0], y=1, message="Deltafier preprocessor currently not compatible with batched Agent.act." ) def first_delta(): assignment = self.has_previous.assign( value=tf.constant(value=True, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='bool')), read_value=False ) with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(assignment,)): return tf.concat(values=(tf.zeros_like(input=x[:1]), x[1:] - x[:-1]), axis=0) def later_delta(): return x - tf.concat(values=(self.previous, x[:-1]), axis=0) with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(assertion,)): delta = self.cond(pred=self.has_previous, true_fn=later_delta, false_fn=first_delta) assignment = self.previous.assign(value=x[-1:], read_value=False) with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(assignment,)): if self.concatenate is False: return util.identity_operation(x=delta) else: return tf.concat(values=(x, delta), axis=(self.concatenate + 1))
[docs]class Image(Layer): """ Image preprocessing layer (specification key: `image`). Args: name (string): Layer name (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: internally chosen). height (int): Height of resized image (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: no resizing or relative to width). width (int): Width of resized image (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: no resizing or relative to height). grayscale (bool | iter[float]): Turn into grayscale image, optionally using given weights (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). input_spec (specification): Input tensor specification (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>internal use</b></span>). summary_labels ('all' | iter[string]): Labels of summaries to record (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: inherit value of parent module). """ def __init__( self, name, height=None, width=None, grayscale=False, input_spec=None, summary_labels=None ): self.height = height self.width = width self.grayscale = grayscale super().__init__(name=name, input_spec=input_spec, summary_labels=summary_labels) @classmethod def output_spec(cls, height=None, width=None, grayscale=False, input_spec=None, **kwargs): input_spec = super().output_spec(input_spec=input_spec) if height is not None: if width is None: width = round(height * input_spec['shape'][1] / input_spec['shape'][0]) input_spec['shape'] = (height, width, input_spec['shape'][2]) elif width is not None: height = round(width * input_spec['shape'][0] / input_spec['shape'][1]) input_spec['shape'] = (height, width, input_spec['shape'][2]) if not isinstance(grayscale, bool) or grayscale: input_spec['shape'] = input_spec['shape'][:2] + (1,) return input_spec def default_input_spec(self): return dict(type='float', shape=(0, 0, 0)) def get_output_spec(self, input_spec): if self.height is not None: if self.width is None: self.width = round(self.height * input_spec['shape'][1] / input_spec['shape'][0]) input_spec['shape'] = (self.height, self.width, input_spec['shape'][2]) elif self.width is not None: self.height = round(self.width * input_spec['shape'][0] / input_spec['shape'][1]) input_spec['shape'] = (self.height, self.width, input_spec['shape'][2]) if not isinstance(self.grayscale, bool) or self.grayscale: input_spec['shape'] = input_spec['shape'][:2] + (1,) return input_spec def tf_apply(self, x): if self.height is not None: x = tf.image.resize(images=x, size=(self.height, self.width)) if not isinstance(self.grayscale, bool): weights = tf.constant( value=self.grayscale, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float'), shape=(1, 1, 1, len(self.grayscale)) ) x = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=(x * weights), axis=3, keepdims=True) elif self.grayscale: x = tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale(images=x) return x
[docs]class Sequence(PreprocessingLayer): """ Sequence layer stacking the current and previous inputs; can only be used as preprocessing layer (specification key: `sequence`). Args: name (string): Layer name (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: internally chosen). length (int > 0): Number of inputs to concatenate (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). axis (int >= 0): Concatenation axis, excluding batch axis (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: last axis). concatenate (bool): Whether to concatenate inputs at given axis, otherwise introduce new sequence axis (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: true). input_spec (specification): Input tensor specification (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>internal use</b></span>). summary_labels ('all' | iter[string]): Labels of summaries to record (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: inherit value of parent module). """ def __init__( self, name, length, axis=-1, concatenate=True, input_spec=None, summary_labels=None ): assert length > 1 self.length = length self.axis = axis self.concatenate = concatenate super().__init__(name=name, input_spec=input_spec, summary_labels=summary_labels) @classmethod def output_spec(cls, length, axis=-1, concatenate=True, input_spec=None, **kwargs): input_spec = super().output_spec(input_spec=input_spec) if concatenate: if axis == -1: axis = len(input_spec['shape']) - 1 input_spec['shape'] = tuple( length * dims if axis == axis else dims for axis, dims in enumerate(input_spec['shape']) ) else: if axis == -1: axis = len(input_spec['shape']) shape = input_spec['shape'] input_spec['shape'] = shape[:axis] + (length,) + shape[axis:] return input_spec def default_input_spec(self): return dict(type=None, shape=None) def get_output_spec(self, input_spec): if self.concatenate: if self.axis == -1: self.axis = len(input_spec['shape']) - 1 input_spec['shape'] = tuple( self.length * dims if axis == self.axis else dims for axis, dims in enumerate(input_spec['shape']) ) else: if self.axis == -1: self.axis = len(input_spec['shape']) shape = input_spec['shape'] input_spec['shape'] = shape[:self.axis] + (self.length,) + shape[self.axis:] return input_spec def tf_initialize(self): super().tf_initialize() self.has_previous = self.add_variable( name='has-previous', dtype='bool', shape=(), is_trainable=False, initializer='zeros' ) shape = self.input_spec['shape'] if self.concatenate: shape = (1,) + shape[:self.axis] + (shape[self.axis] * (self.length - 1),) + \ shape[self.axis + 1:] else: shape = (1,) + shape[:self.axis] + (self.length - 1,) + shape[self.axis:] self.previous = self.add_variable( name='previous', dtype='float', shape=shape, is_trainable=False, initializer='zeros' ) def tf_reset(self): assignment = self.has_previous.assign( value=tf.constant(value=False, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='bool')), read_value=False ) return assignment def tf_apply(self, x): assertion = tf.debugging.assert_equal( x=tf.shape(input=x)[0], y=1, message="Sequence preprocessor currently not compatible with batched Agent.act." ) def first_timestep(): assignment = self.has_previous.assign( value=tf.constant(value=True, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='bool')), read_value=False ) with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(assignment,)): if self.concatenate: current = x else: current = tf.expand_dims(input=x, axis=(self.axis + 1)) multiples = tuple( self.length if dims == self.axis + 1 else 1 for dims in range(util.rank(x=current)) ) return tf.tile(input=current, multiples=multiples) def other_timesteps(): if self.concatenate: current = x else: current = tf.expand_dims(input=x, axis=(self.axis + 1)) return tf.concat(values=(self.previous, current), axis=(self.axis + 1)) with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(assertion,)): xs = self.cond( pred=self.has_previous, true_fn=other_timesteps, false_fn=first_timestep ) if self.concatenate: begin = tuple( self.input_spec['shape'][dims - 1] if dims == self.axis + 1 else 0 for dims in range(util.rank(x=xs)) ) else: begin = tuple(1 if dims == self.axis + 1 else 0 for dims in range(util.rank(x=xs))) assignment = self.previous.assign( value=tf.slice(input_=xs, begin=begin, size=self.previous.shape), read_value=False ) with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(assignment,)): return util.identity_operation(x=xs)