Source code for tensorforce.core.memories.recent

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import tensorflow as tf

from tensorforce import util
from tensorforce.core.memories import Queue

[docs]class Recent(Queue): """ Batching memory which always retrieves most recent experiences (specification key: `recent`). Args: name (string): Memory name (<span style="color:#0000C0"><b>internal use</b></span>). capacity (int > 0): Memory capacity (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: minimum capacity). values_spec (specification): Values specification (<span style="color:#0000C0"><b>internal use</b></span>). min_capacity (int >= 0): Minimum memory capacity (<span style="color:#0000C0"><b>internal use</b></span>). device (string): Device name (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: inherit value of parent module). summary_labels ('all' | iter[string]): Labels of summaries to record (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: inherit value of parent module). """ def tf_retrieve_timesteps(self, n, past_horizon, future_horizon): one = tf.constant(value=1, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='long')) capacity = tf.constant(value=self.capacity, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='long')) # Check whether memory contains at least one valid timestep num_timesteps = tf.minimum(x=self.buffer_index, y=capacity) - past_horizon - future_horizon assertion = tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal(x=num_timesteps, y=one) # Most recent timestep indices range with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(assertion,)): indices = tf.range(start=(self.buffer_index - n), limit=self.buffer_index) indices = tf.math.mod(x=(indices - future_horizon), y=capacity) return indices def tf_retrieve_episodes(self, n): zero = tf.constant(value=0, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='long')) one = tf.constant(value=1, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='long')) capacity = tf.constant(value=self.capacity, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='long')) # Check whether memory contains at least one episode assertion = tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal(x=self.episode_count, y=one) # Get start and limit index for most recent n episodes with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(assertion,)): start = self.terminal_indices[self.episode_count - n] limit = self.terminal_indices[self.episode_count] # Increment terminal of previous episode start = start + one limit = limit + one # Correct limit index if smaller than start index limit = limit + tf.where(condition=(limit < start), x=capacity, y=zero) # Most recent episode indices range indices = tf.range(start=start, limit=limit) indices = tf.math.mod(x=indices, y=capacity) return indices