Source code for tensorforce.agents.agent

# Copyright 2018 Tensorforce Team. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ==============================================================================

from collections import OrderedDict
import importlib
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import time

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from tensorforce import util, TensorforceError
import tensorforce.agents

[docs]class Agent(object): """ Tensorforce agent interface. """
[docs] @staticmethod def create(agent=None, environment=None, **kwargs): """ Creates an agent from a specification. Args: agent (specification): JSON file, specification key, configuration dictionary, library module, or `Agent` subclass (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: Policy agent). environment (Environment): Environment which the agent is supposed to be trained on, environment-related arguments like state/action space specifications will be extract if given. kwargs: Additional arguments. """ if agent is None: agent = 'default' if isinstance(agent, Agent): # TODO: asserts??????? return agent elif isinstance(agent, dict): # Dictionary specification util.deep_disjoint_update(target=kwargs, source=agent) agent = kwargs.pop('agent', kwargs.pop('type', 'default')) return Agent.create(agent=agent, environment=environment, **kwargs) elif isinstance(agent, str): if os.path.isfile(agent): # JSON file specification with open(agent, 'r') as fp: agent = json.load(fp=fp) util.deep_disjoint_update(target=kwargs, source=agent) agent = kwargs.pop('agent', kwargs.pop('type', 'default')) return Agent.create(agent=agent, environment=environment, **kwargs) elif '.' in agent: # Library specification library_name, module_name = agent.rsplit('.', 1) library = importlib.import_module(name=library_name) agent = getattr(library, module_name) if environment is not None: env_spec = dict(states=environment.states(), actions=environment.actions()) if environment.max_episode_timesteps() is not None: env_spec['max_episode_timesteps'] = environment.max_episode_timesteps() util.deep_disjoint_update(target=kwargs, source=env_spec) agent = agent(**kwargs) assert isinstance(agent, Agent) return agent else: # Keyword specification if environment is not None: env_spec = dict(states=environment.states(), actions=environment.actions()) if environment.max_episode_timesteps() is not None: env_spec['max_episode_timesteps'] = environment.max_episode_timesteps() util.deep_disjoint_update(target=kwargs, source=env_spec) agent = tensorforce.agents.agents[agent](**kwargs) assert isinstance(agent, Agent) return agent else: assert False
def __init__( # Environment self, states, actions, max_episode_timesteps=None, # TensorFlow etc parallel_interactions=1, buffer_observe=True, seed=None, recorder=None ): if seed is not None: assert isinstance(seed, int) random.seed(n=seed) np.random.seed(seed=seed) tf.random.set_random_seed(seed=seed) # States/actions specification self.states_spec = util.valid_values_spec( values_spec=states, value_type='state', return_normalized=True ) self.actions_spec = util.valid_values_spec( values_spec=actions, value_type='action', return_normalized=True ) self.max_episode_timesteps = max_episode_timesteps # Check for name overlap for name in self.states_spec: if name in self.actions_spec: TensorforceError.collision( name='name', value=name, group1='states', group2='actions' ) # Parallel episodes if isinstance(parallel_interactions, int): if parallel_interactions <= 0: raise TensorforceError.value( name='parallel_interactions', value=parallel_interactions ) self.parallel_interactions = parallel_interactions else: raise TensorforceError.type(name='parallel_interactions', value=parallel_interactions) # Buffer observe if isinstance(buffer_observe, bool): if not buffer_observe and self.parallel_interactions > 1: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if self.max_episode_timesteps is None and self.parallel_interactions > 1: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if not buffer_observe: self.buffer_observe = 1 elif self.max_episode_timesteps is None: self.buffer_observe = 100 else: self.buffer_observe = self.max_episode_timesteps elif isinstance(buffer_observe, int): if buffer_observe <= 0: raise TensorforceError.value(name='buffer_observe', value=buffer_observe) if self.parallel_interactions > 1: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if self.max_episode_timesteps is None: self.buffer_observe = buffer_observe else: self.buffer_observe = min(buffer_observe, self.max_episode_timesteps) else: raise TensorforceError.type(name='buffer_observe', value=buffer_observe) # Parallel terminal/reward buffers self.terminal_buffers = np.ndarray( shape=(self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe), dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='long') ) self.reward_buffers = np.ndarray( shape=(self.parallel_interactions, self.buffer_observe), dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='float') ) # Parallel buffer indices self.buffer_indices = np.zeros( shape=(self.parallel_interactions,), dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='int') ) self.timestep = 0 self.episode = 0 # Recorder if recorder is None: pass elif not all(key in ('directory', 'frequency', 'max-traces') for key in recorder): raise TensorforceError.value(name='recorder', value=list(recorder)) self.recorder_spec = recorder if self.recorder_spec is not None: self.record_states = OrderedDict(((name, list()) for name in self.states_spec)) for name, spec in self.actions_spec.items(): if spec['type'] == 'int': self.record_states[name + '_mask'] = list() self.record_actions = OrderedDict(((name, list()) for name in self.actions_spec)) self.record_terminal = list() self.record_reward = list() self.num_episodes = 0 def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initializes the agent. """ if not hasattr(self, 'model'): raise TensorforceError.missing(name='Agent', value='model') # Setup Model # (create and build graph (local and global if distributed), server, session, etc..). self.model.initialize() self.reset()
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the agent. """ self.model.close()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the agent to start a new episode. """ self.buffer_indices = np.zeros( shape=(self.parallel_interactions,), dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='int') ) self.timestep, self.episode = self.model.reset()
[docs] def act( self, states, parallel=0, deterministic=False, independent=False, evaluation=False, query=None, **kwargs ): """ Returns action(s) for the given state(s), needs to be followed by `observe(...)` unless `independent` is true. Args: states (dict[state]): Dictionary containing state(s) to be acted on (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). parallel (int): Parallel execution index (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: 0). deterministic (bool): Whether to apply exploration and sampling (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). independent (bool): Whether action is not remembered, and this call is thus not followed by observe (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). evaluation (bool): Whether the agent is currently evaluated, implies and overwrites deterministic and independent (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). query (list[str]): Names of tensors to retrieve (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: none). kwargs: Additional input values, for instance, for dynamic hyperparameters. Returns: (dict[action], plus optional list[str]): Dictionary containing action(s), plus queried tensor values if requested. """ assert util.reduce_all(predicate=util.not_nan_inf, xs=states) # self.current_internals = self.next_internals if evaluation: if deterministic or independent: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() deterministic = independent = True # Auxiliaries auxiliaries = OrderedDict() if isinstance(states, dict): states = dict(states) for name, spec in self.actions_spec.items(): if spec['type'] == 'int' and name + '_mask' in states: auxiliaries[name + '_mask'] = states.pop(name + '_mask') # Normalize states dictionary states = util.normalize_values( value_type='state', values=states, values_spec=self.states_spec ) # Batch states states = util.fmap(function=(lambda x: np.asarray([x])), xs=states, depth=1) auxiliaries = util.fmap(function=(lambda x: np.asarray([x])), xs=auxiliaries, depth=1) # Model.act() if query is None: actions, self.timestep = self.model.act( states=states, auxiliaries=auxiliaries, parallel=parallel, deterministic=deterministic, independent=independent, **kwargs ) else: actions, self.timestep, queried = self.model.act( states=states, auxiliaries=auxiliaries, parallel=parallel, deterministic=deterministic, independent=independent, query=query, **kwargs ) if self.recorder_spec is not None and not independent: for name in self.states_spec: self.record_states[name].append(states[name]) for name, spec in self.actions_spec.items(): self.record_actions[name].append(actions[name]) if spec['type'] == 'int': if name + '_mask' in auxiliaries: self.record_states[name].append(auxiliaries[name + '_mask']) else: shape = (1,) + spec['shape'] + (spec['num_values'],) self.record_states[name].append( np.full(shape, True, dtype=util.np_dtype(dtype='bool')) ) # Unbatch actions actions = util.fmap(function=(lambda x: x[0]), xs=actions, depth=1) # Reverse normalized actions dictionary actions = util.unpack_values( value_type='action', values=actions, values_spec=self.actions_spec ) # if independent, return processed state as well? if query is None: return actions else: return actions, queried
[docs] def observe(self, reward, terminal=False, parallel=0, query=None, **kwargs): """ Observes reward and whether a terminal state is reached, needs to be preceded by `act(...)`. Args: reward (float): Reward (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). terminal (bool | 0 | 1 | 2): Whether a terminal state is reached or 2 if the episode was aborted (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: false). parallel (int): Parallel execution index (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: 0). query (list[str]): Names of tensors to retrieve (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: none). kwargs: Additional input values, for instance, for dynamic hyperparameters. Returns: (bool, optional list[str]): Whether an update was performed, plus queried tensor values if requested. """ assert util.reduce_all(predicate=util.not_nan_inf, xs=reward) if query is not None and self.parallel_interactions > 1: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if isinstance(terminal, bool): terminal = int(terminal) if self.recorder_spec is not None: self.record_terminal.append(terminal) self.record_reward.append(reward) if terminal > 0: self.num_episodes += 1 if self.num_episodes == self.recorder_spec.get('frequency', 1): directory = self.recorder_spec['directory'] if os.path.isdir(directory): files = sorted( f for f in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, f)) and f.startswith('trace-') ) else: os.makedirs(directory) files = list() max_traces = self.recorder_spec.get('max-traces') if max_traces is not None and len(files) > max_traces - 1: for filename in files[:-max_traces + 1]: filename = os.path.join(directory, filename) os.remove(filename) filename = 'trace-{}-{}.npz'.format( self.episode, time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') ) filename = os.path.join(directory, filename) self.record_states = util.fmap( function=np.concatenate, xs=self.record_states, depth=1 ) self.record_actions = util.fmap( function=np.concatenate, xs=self.record_actions, depth=1 ) self.record_terminal = np.asarray(self.record_terminal) self.record_reward = np.asarray(self.record_reward) np.savez_compressed( filename, **self.record_states, **self.record_actions, terminal=self.record_terminal, reward=self.record_reward ) self.record_states = util.fmap( function=(lambda x: list()), xs=self.record_states, depth=1 ) self.record_actions = util.fmap( function=(lambda x: list()), xs=self.record_actions, depth=1 ) self.record_terminal = list() self.record_reward = list() self.num_episodes = 0 # Update terminal/reward buffer index = self.buffer_indices[parallel] self.terminal_buffers[parallel, index] = terminal self.reward_buffers[parallel, index] = reward index += 1 if self.max_episode_timesteps is not None and index > self.max_episode_timesteps: raise TensorforceError.unexpected() if terminal > 0 or index == self.buffer_observe or query is not None: # Model.observe() if query is None: updated, self.episode = self.model.observe( terminal=self.terminal_buffers[parallel, :index], reward=self.reward_buffers[parallel, :index], parallel=parallel, **kwargs ) else: updated, self.episode, queried = self.model.observe( terminal=self.terminal_buffers[parallel, :index], reward=self.reward_buffers[parallel, :index], parallel=parallel, query=query, **kwargs ) # Reset buffer index self.buffer_indices[parallel] = 0 else: # Increment buffer index self.buffer_indices[parallel] = index updated = False if query is None: return updated else: return updated, queried
[docs] def save(self, directory=None, filename=None, append_timestep=True): """ Saves the current state of the agent. Args: directory (str): Checkpoint directory (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: directory specified for TensorFlow saver). filename (str): Checkpoint filename (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: filename specified for TensorFlow saver). append_timestep: Whether to append the current timestep to the checkpoint file (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: true). Returns: str: Checkpoint path. """ # TODO: Messes with required parallel disentangling, better to remove unfinished episodes # from memory, but currently entire episode buffered anyway... # # Empty buffers before saving # for parallel in range(self.parallel_interactions): # index = self.buffer_indices[parallel] # if index > 0: # # if self.parallel_interactions > 1: # # raise TensorforceError.unexpected() # self.episode = self.model.observe( # terminal=self.terminal_buffers[parallel, :index], # reward=self.reward_buffers[parallel, :index], parallel=parallel # ) # self.buffer_indices[parallel] = 0 return directory=directory, filename=filename, append_timestep=append_timestep )
[docs] def restore(self, directory=None, filename=None): """ Restores the agent. Args: directory (str): Checkpoint directory (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: directory specified for TensorFlow saver). filename (str): Checkpoint filename (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: latest checkpoint in directory). """ if not hasattr(self, 'model'): raise TensorforceError.missing(name='Agent', value='model') if not self.model.is_initialized: self.model.initialize() self.timestep, self.episode = self.model.restore(directory=directory, filename=filename)
[docs] def get_output_tensors(self, function): """ Returns the names of output tensors for the given function. Args: function (str): Function name (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). Returns: list[str]: Names of output tensors. """ if function in self.model.output_tensors: return self.model.output_tensors[function] else: raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
[docs] def get_query_tensors(self, function): """ Returns the names of queryable tensors for the given function. Args: function (str): Function name (<span style="color:#C00000"><b>required</b></span>). Returns: list[str]: Names of queryable tensors. """ if function in self.model.query_tensors: return self.model.query_tensors[function] else: raise TensorforceError.unexpected()
[docs] def get_available_summaries(self): """ Returns the summary labels provided by the agent. Returns: list[str]: Available summary labels. """ return self.model.get_available_summaries()
def should_stop(self): return self.model.monitored_session.should_stop()