Source code for tensorforce.core.distributions.categorical

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import tensorflow as tf

from tensorforce import util
from tensorforce.core import layer_modules
from tensorforce.core.distributions import Distribution

[docs]class Categorical(Distribution): """ Categorical distribution, for discrete integer actions (specification key: `categorical`). Args: name (string): Distribution name (<span style="color:#0000C0"><b>internal use</b></span>). action_spec (specification): Action specification (<span style="color:#0000C0"><b>internal use</b></span>). embedding_size (int > 0): Embedding size (<span style="color:#0000C0"><b>internal use</b></span>). summary_labels ('all' | iter[string]): Labels of summaries to record (<span style="color:#00C000"><b>default</b></span>: inherit value of parent module). """ def __init__(self, name, action_spec, embedding_size, summary_labels=None): super().__init__( name=name, action_spec=action_spec, embedding_size=embedding_size, summary_labels=summary_labels ) action_size = util.product(xs=self.action_spec['shape']) * self.action_spec['num_values'] input_spec = dict(type='float', shape=(self.embedding_size,)) self.logits = self.add_module( name='logits', module='linear', modules=layer_modules, size=action_size, input_spec=input_spec ) def tf_parametrize(self, x, mask): epsilon = tf.constant(value=util.epsilon, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float')) shape = (-1,) + self.action_spec['shape'] + (self.action_spec['num_values'],) # Logits logits = self.logits.apply(x=x) logits = tf.reshape(tensor=logits, shape=shape) min_float = tf.fill(dims=tf.shape(input=logits), value=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float').min) logits = tf.where(condition=mask, x=logits, y=min_float) # States value states_value = tf.reduce_logsumexp(input_tensor=logits, axis=-1) # Softmax for corresponding probabilities probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(logits=logits, axis=-1) # "Normalized" logits logits = tf.log(x=tf.maximum(x=probabilities, y=epsilon)) # Logits as pass_tensor since used for sampling logits, probabilities, states_value = self.add_summary( label=('distributions', 'categorical'), name='probability', tensor=probabilities, pass_tensors=(logits, probabilities, states_value), enumerate_last_rank=True ) return logits, probabilities, states_value def tf_sample(self, parameters, deterministic): logits, probabilities, _ = parameters # Deterministic: maximum likelihood action definite = tf.argmax(input=logits, axis=-1) definite = tf.dtypes.cast(x=definite, dtype=util.tf_dtype('int')) one = tf.constant(value=1.0, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float')) epsilon = tf.constant(value=util.epsilon, dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float')) # Set logits to minimal value min_float = tf.fill(dims=tf.shape(input=logits), value=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float').min) logits = tf.where(condition=(probabilities < epsilon), x=min_float, y=logits) # Non-deterministic: sample action using Gumbel distribution uniform_distribution = tf.random.uniform( shape=tf.shape(input=logits), minval=epsilon, maxval=(one - epsilon), dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float') ) gumbel_distribution = -tf.log(x=-tf.log(x=uniform_distribution)) sampled = tf.argmax(input=(logits + gumbel_distribution), axis=-1) sampled = tf.dtypes.cast(x=sampled, dtype=util.tf_dtype('int')) return tf.where(condition=deterministic, x=definite, y=sampled) def tf_log_probability(self, parameters, action): logits, _, _ = parameters if util.tf_dtype(dtype='int') not in (tf.int32, tf.int64): action = tf.dtypes.cast(x=action, dtype=tf.int32) # better way? one_hot = tf.one_hot( indices=action, depth=self.action_spec['num_values'], dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float') ) return tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=(logits * one_hot), axis=-1) def tf_entropy(self, parameters): logits, probabilities, _ = parameters return -tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=(probabilities * logits), axis=-1) def tf_kl_divergence(self, parameters1, parameters2): logits1, probabilities1, _ = parameters1 logits2, _, _ = parameters2 log_prob_ratio = logits1 - logits2 return tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=(probabilities1 * log_prob_ratio), axis=-1) def tf_action_value(self, parameters, action=None): logits, _, states_value = parameters if action is None: states_value = tf.expand_dims(input=states_value, axis=-1) else: if util.tf_dtype(dtype='int') not in (tf.int32, tf.int64): action = tf.dtypes.cast(x=action, dtype=tf.int32) one_hot = tf.one_hot( indices=action, depth=self.action_spec['num_values'], dtype=util.tf_dtype(dtype='float') ) logits = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=(logits * one_hot), axis=-1) return states_value + logits def tf_states_value(self, parameters): _, _, states_value = parameters return states_value